Rottweiler Structure

Structure of Rottweiler’s hindlimbs is as follows: thighs, lower legs, shanks and paws. Proportion and good development of muscles of just these body parts are highly estimated, because hindlimbs of Rottweiler have a dominant role for motor function. According the breed specification joint deflection angles of flank bone, astragalus, cnemis and anticnemion with metatarsus must be blunt.

During examination of Rottweiler the following abnormalities can be found: flatness of stifle, shortcut bones of metatarsus and the sickleness that is characterized by too acute tilt angle of Rottweiler’s stifle. When sickleness of stifle is observed in Rottweiler, the dog moves less freely and it is much harder for it to drive off the ground during movement.